
Draw Demo Data for Machine Learning in the Browser
Click to add points, export as code.

Extracting Interpretable Rules from Bayesian Networks in Python
I read a bioinformatics paper on Bayesian rule learning. With ten years of hindsight, it looked a lot like an explainability technique.

Jekyll Blogging on Chromebooks
This site can't be reached? refused to connect? How does Jekyll development on Chromebook differ from developing on other systems?

How Hot is the IU School of Informatics?
We rarely notice that we live inside an invisible layer of liquid heat. This describes how I glimpsed into the heat distribution of the IU Informatics Building.

Sequential k-Means Clustering on Gifs (with Animations)
k-means clustering can be used on images to automatically perform color quantization. This demonstrates how to cluster colors in an animation.

k-Nearest Neighbors in 35 Lines of Python
k-Nearest Neighbors sometimes gets a bad reputation for being too simple. So I implemented it in as few lines as possible.

LaTeX Finite Automata and State Diagrams with Tikz
This short guide collects some examples of drawing finite state machines using the Tikz LaTeX library.

Network of Code Lyoko FanFiction
6520 stories written in 15 languages over the course of twelve years; a fanfiction community visualized.

Inaugural ProHealth Research Experience for Undergraduates
Archived blog I maintained while working on predictive models for drug-drug interactions.