Alexander L. Hayes • Ph.D. Student

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Alexander L. Hayes is a Health Informatics Ph.D. Student at Indiana University Bloomington. His interests are in statistical relational artificial intelligence (STARAI), machine learning, software engineering, open source software; and their applications toward solving real-world health informatics problems. He holds a B.S. Computer Science from Indiana University.


Recent Publications


  • "A Probabilistic Approach to Extract Qualitative Knowledge for Early Prediction of Gestational Diabetes" was accepted at AIME 2021
  • srlearn: A Python Library for Gradient-Boosted Statistical Relational Models was accepted at the Ninth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI
  • 2019-06-14: I am attending International Conference of Machine Learning (ICML) in Long Beach, California.
  • Spring 2019: I am transferring to work as a Research Assistant with the Proactive Health Informatics (ProHealth) Department within the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering (SICE) at Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Fall 2018: I will be a Teaching Assistant for Automata Theory (CS 4384.001)

Recent blog posts

Jekyll Blogging on Chromebooks

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How Hot is the IU School of Informatics?

We rarely notice that we live inside an invisible layer of liquid heat. This describes how I glimpsed into the heat distribution of the IU Informatics Building.